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Limit OrderThe 100 schilling "Magna Mater Austriae" coin is an extremely valuable and rare gold coin from Austria. Featuring the legendary motif of the country's patron saint, it was minted between 1935 and 1938 in an extremely limited edition. In total, only around 18,000 of these magnificent coins were produced and put into circulation. During the Second World War, many of these coveted coins were melted down in order to use the precious gold for other purposes. Nevertheless, the GOLDINVEST team has managed to track down and offer some of these rare rarities. Find out more about this extraordinary coin and secure yourself a piece of Austrian numismatic history!
The prices that are currently displayed on our website (i.e. when you place your order) apply, subject to errors and misstatements.
Note on the exclusion of the right of withdrawal for consumers
No right of withdrawal
Pursuant to Section 18 (1) (2) FAGG, consumers have no right of withdrawal, as the distance selling contract concerns the delivery of goods whose price is subject to the development of rates on the financial markets, over which we have no influence. The prices that apply are those currently displayed on our website (i.e. when you place your order), subject to errors and misstatements.
* All prices are final sales prices - but subject to change, plus shipping costs. Investment gold is exempt from VAT in Germany. The full VAT rate of 19% applies to all other products.