Silver bars

Due to their shape, silver bars are easy to store without wasting space and are produced in different sizes for every investment requirement. GOLDINVEST only offers silver bars with a fineness of at least 999/1000. All silver bars that you find in this section are admitted to trading on the London Bullion Exchange and are recognized by the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). When you buy silver bars from us, the price is always determined at the current price of the precious metal. This means that the bar price is based directly on the silver price and benefits accordingly from price developments on the global financial markets. / +49 (0) 30530 2311 70
Various LBMA manufacturers

Silver bar 100g

Various LBMA manufacturers

Silver bar 250g

Various LBMA manufacturers

Silver bar 500g

Various LBMA manufacturers

Silver bar 1000g

Heraeus - Various LBMA manufacturers

Silver bar 5000g